Programări & info: 0374554344

  • October 2017 - medic specialist reumatolog
  • September 2015 - prezent- doctorand al Universității de Medicină și Farmacie Târgu-Mureș
  • 2007- 2013 - Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Târgu-Mureș


  • august 2018 - prezent medic bursier pediatrie în cadrul Spitalului Universitar din Târgu-Mureș
  • ianuarie 2018 - iulie 2018 - medic bursier reumatologie pediatrică în secția 3 Pediatrie în cadrul Spitalului Universitar Attikon din Atena, Grecia
  • martie 2016 - decembrie 2018 - medic rezident în cadrul clinicii de Reumatologie din Spitalul de Urgență din Cluj-Napoca
  • ianuarie 2014 - martie 2016 - medic rezident în cadrul departamentului de Reumatologie din Spitalul de Urgență din Târgu-Mureș


  • “Assessment of prognosis and functional status of disease in children with Juvenile idiopatic arthritis”, 2ndNational Conference of Romanian Pediatric Rheumatology Society, Targu-Mures, Romania 10-12 May 2019 
  • “Progressive hemifacial atrophy-Parry-Romberg syndrome-case presentation”- 2ndNational Conference of Romanian Pediatric Rheumatology Society, Tragu-Mures, Romania 10-12 May 2019
  • Comparative survey of disease characteristics, functional status and damage in JIA patients followed in tertiary Pediatric rheumatology centers from southeastern and eastern Europe", Communication with pediatric patient skills- New directions in Pediatrics, National Conference, Targu-Mures, Romania, 13-15 September 2018
  • “Pediatric Scleroderma case associated with both PM-Scl 75 and PM-Scl 100 antibodies”, 5th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 15-17 February 2018(poster presentation)
  • “The ACR classification system versus SLICC system in patients with juvenile systemic erythematosus lupus”, National Congress of Rheumatology, Bucharest, October 2017
  • “The psychological impact of the disease on life quality of patients with JIA”, 4 th Edition of the National Conference of Romanian Pediatric Rheumatology Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 20th-22nd April 2017  
  • “Juvenile idiopathic arthritis with multiple episodes of iridocyclides”- poster presentation, PReS Advanced educational course of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17th-19th March 2017 
  • “Osteoporosis induced by Glucocorticoids”, Scientific papers presentation technics, Medias, Sibiu county, Romania, 2014
  • “The real impact of infection in intensive care units”, main author, International Scientific Congress for Student, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis, Targu-Mures, Romania, April 2013
  • “The factors that cause delay in presentation and evaluation of acute stroke”, co-author, International Scientific Congress for Student, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis, Targu-Mures, Romania, April 2013
  • “Quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in our geographical area”, co-author, International Scientific Congress for Student, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis, Targu-Mures, Romania, April 2013
  • “Barrett’s oesophagus evolution in the period 2006-2010”, main author, International Scientific Congress for Student, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis, Targu-Mures, Romania, April 2011
  • “Surgical wound infection ”, National Congress for Students and Young Physicians, Bucharest, Romania, December 2010
  • “The psychological impact of pregnancy during student life”, co-author, National Congress for Students, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis”, Targu-Mures, Mures county, Romania, April 2010
  • 26th European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress-Madrid, Spain, 12-15 June 2019
  • National Conference of Romanian Pediatric Rheumatology Society, Targu-Mures, Romania, 10-12 May 2019
  • 25th European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress- Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 September 2018
  • Advanced PRES Educational Course on Autoinflammatory Syndromes, Jerusalem, Israel, 4-7 March 2018
  • 24th European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress-Athens, Greece, 14-17 September 2017
  • National conference of Romanian Pediatric Rheumatology Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 20th-22nd April 2017
  • Interferences in Rheumatology- Rheumatology+Ophtalmology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 31st March-2nd April 2017
  • PReS Advanced educational course -Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17th-19th March 2017
  • National  Congress of Rheumatology, Bucharest, Romania, October 2016
  • National Conference of Ultrasonography with international participation, Craiova, Dolj county, Romania, June 2016
  • Interferences in Rheumatology -Rheumatology + Pediatrics, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania, March 2016
  • “Vasculodiab- Management of  vascular complications with thrombosis risk in patients with and without Diabetes”,  Targu-Mures, Mures county, Romania, June 2015
  • Interferences in Rheumatology- Rheumatology + Radiology, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania, March 2015
  • National Congress of Rheumatology, Bucharest, Romania, October 2014
  • 100 faces of Lupus- Medication and Therapeutic recommendations, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, May 2014
  • Osteoporosis at borders between specialities, Bucharest, Romania, 28-29 March 2014
  • Interferences in Rheumatology - Rheumatology + Gastroenterology, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, 21-22 March 2014


  • Scientific papers presentation technics, Medias, Sibiu county, Romania, June 2014
  • “Bologna Professor Gala” workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania, March 2011


  • Câștigătoarea bursei EULAR la Spitalul Universitar Attikon din Atena - iulie 2018
   EULAR bursary successful application January-July 2018 at Attikon University Hospital of Athens, Greece

  • Locul I la Congresul Științific Internațional pentru studenți, tineri medici și farmaciști, Târgu-Mureș, aprilie 2011 cu lucrarea "Evoluția esofagului Barrett în perioada 2006-2010" în calitate de autor principal
    I st place with the paper “Barrett’s oesophagus evolution in the period 2006-2010”, as main author, at  International Scientific Congress for Student, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis, Targu-Mures, Romania, April 2011,

  • Locul al II-lea cu lucrarea "Impactul psihologic la sarcinii în timpul anilor de studii" în calitate de coautor la Congresul Național pentru studenți, tineri medici și farmaciști, Târgu-Mureș, aprilie 2010
    II nd place with the paper “The psychological impact of pregnancy during student life”, as co-author, at National Congress for Students, Young Physicians and Pharmacists Marisiensis”, Targu-Mures, Mures county, Romania, April 2010

Membră a 

  • Societatea Europeană de Reumatologie Pediatrică din august 2017
  • Colegiul medicilor din județul Mureș din ianuarie 2016
  • Asociația Română de Reumatologie din octombrie 2014
  • Liga studenților din cadrul Universității de Medicină și Farmacie din Târgu-Mureș, octombrie 2007 - iunie 2013
spinal care wave